
March 25, 2007 12:00AM

Awash in linen filament pastels, she awakes curled loosely
within a mesh of threaded fiber grooves, a morning cotton
tangle of languor, a pattern pillow-stamped and woven upon
one chosen white-pink cheek, the lay of her belly, the arc
of her hip as she rolls towards the other side. Milky white
morning, pressure pooling, the resonant hum of derelict
dreams so slowly bending into silence, those clandestine
fragment worlds so softly funneling away… Saturated–
un-saturated. Pastel dreams, pastel morning, pastel
winding sheets.

One large, stark, crystal-blue eye flares open, wide.
Wide, gleaming, pulsing. One plucked and lucid tunnel eye,
meshed in lashes lapping flumsily at the light. Nothing
compares to this. Conductive clarity, electric singularity.
Witness to this shroud, water in this desert, humming
chords and luminescence earthed, unearthed.